"requires appropriate fence energizer" |
photos and more information, go to
All FAST FENCE Nets are electric fencing that must be operated with a modern pulsing type fence charger or energizer. All the horizontal plastic strands have small stainless steel wire conductors to carry the electric shock energy |
except the bottom strand (and the second one 2" above the ground in fine mesh nets and the second and third ones 2" & 4" above ground in Dry Country nets). |
Animals are less likely to catch their heads in FAST FENCE Nets and predators are less likely to get through. Our 4x6" (10x15 cm) Standard Mesh is closer spaced than competitive products. Vertical strands are 6" apart. F601 Standard 34" Net, 165 feet long (50 m) and 34" tall (85 cm), orange netting and white posts with 7" zinc coated spikes, for sheep and gardens and pens for smaller dogs. F603 Countryside 34" Net, same as F601 above except green netting and black posts. F604 Standard 42" Net, 165 feet long (50 m) and 42" tall (105 cm), orange netting and white posts with 7" zinc coated spikes, for sheep, goats, alpacas, and pens for larger dogs. Provides extra security and peace of mind. F608 Countryside 42" Net, same as F604 above except green netting and black posts.
3" FINE MESH NETS The Fine Mesh Nets are designed to provide good small animal control and the best wildlife and predator protection. The vertical strands are only 3" (7.5 cm) apart and the bottom few horizontal strands are even closer together. F632 Garden & Lamb Net, 165 feet long (50m) and 34" tall (85 cm), green mesh and black posts with 7" zinc coated spikes. Also includes 9 ground pins to secure the bottom strand for better small animal control.
F643 Green HS/Poultry Net, same as F641 above except green netting and black posts.
DUAL POLARITY COMBO MESH NETS FAST FENCE Dual Polarity nets have black and white netting with white posts. Alternate strands are separately connected together at the ends so that the net fences can be operated either in Dual Polarity positive/negative mode or regular "all hot" mode. These nets also have Combo Mesh with mostly standard 4" x 6" mesh but with two extra non-conductive strands at 2" and 4" between the bottom and first conductive strand to form a tighter barrier style bottom mesh for extra security. F619 Dry Country 42" Net, 165 feet long (50m) and 42" tall (105cm), for maximum dry condition control of all livestock and predator animals.
F621 Universal Net, 165 feet long (50 m) and 36" tall (90 cm), black & white mesh with white posts. Nets are very heavy duty but wider mesh with 12' (30cm) vertical strand spacing for increased durability but lower cost. Suitable for most larger livestock including alpacas, llamas and fallow deer.
Hours 8-5 M-F eastern time
2008, West Virginia Fence Corp., All Rights Reserved